
Call (514) 684-6040

With 26 years of service, Centre Dentaire Alice Khieu has become known as the leader in state-of-the-art dental services in the West Island. We take pride in providing you the highest quality dental care with the latest techniques using modern technology. With a staff of four dedicated dental surgeons and our highly qualified team, your needs are always professionally and privately addressed.

Our Mission: Your Smile, Your Health, Our Passion.

Centre Dentaire Alice Khieu employs a multilingual staff that can communicate with you in several languages. Languages spoken in our office include:

  • French
  • English
  • Spanish
  • Tagalog
  • Arabic
  • Vietnamese
  • German

If you would like to speak to someone in a language other than French or English, please inform us while booking an appointment to allow us to make arrangements.

*Note that documentation and forms are currently available only in French or English.

Contact Us

Nous vous encourageons à nous contacter pour toutes questions ou commentaires. Veuillez nous appeler à la clinique ou utilisez la fiche contact ci-dessous.


We combine experience with the latest in dental technology to deliver the best patient experience possible.
